Blue Water Community of Mindful Living
Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk, and founder of Plum Village Tradition
We practice sitting and walking in the mindfulness tradition of the Vietnamese teacher Thich Nhat Hanh. Everyone is welcome at our meetings in Port Huron, Michigan to learn about mindful living. No experience necessary. Please join us.
We are moving the location and time for our Sunday meetings to the new south-side Port Huron location for Unity of Blue Water. We will meet starting at 2:00 PM. Our first meeting there will be Sunday, September 22.Our new location is:
Unity of Blue Water
2912 25th St
Port Huron, Michigan 48060
25th Street is one block West of 24th Street, the main road in the south end of Port Huron, Turn West on Cleveland Ave and then South on 25th St. We hope to see you there. Our meditation meeting will start at 2 PM every Sunday. The location is easily found on Google Maps.
We meet every Sunday at 2:00 PM - doors open at 1:45 PM